One of the most critical parts of running any fantasy league, regardless of sport, is a constitution or set of bylaws which will be used to govern then league. Without them, your league is doomed to fail. If you are participating in a league without them, chances are something will go wrong at some point during your time in the league. While it may seem like a hastle to take the time to draft a set of bylaws, the frustration and argument it will save you and the rest of the league down the road definitely make it worth the time invested. Below are a few very basic templates you can copy and paste into your own league website or a Word .doc for use in your league. There are also links to some Google documents that are available for anyone to use. If you have questions about what to include or would like some help setting up your leagues personalized constitution, feel free to contact us and we'll see what we can do. We can always be reached at the e-mail address listed in the lower left corner of the page.
AJ Mass from ESPN's guide to drafting a league constitution
Where are the templates?